суббота, 6 октября 2012 г.

More Than the Score; 'The Voice' of Cascade earns broadcasting honors - Telegraph - Herald (Dubuque)

'The Voice' of Cascade has branched out and made an impact in thestate of Iowa.

Jesse Gavin cut his teeth in broadcasting by announcing over thepublic address system for high school sporting events in his hometownand worked briefly for KDST-FM in Dyersville before heading off tocollege.

Earlier this spring, the Wartburg College junior won four awardsat the Iowa Broadcast News Association's Annual Spring Convention inIowa City.

Gavin serves as the Sports Director at Wartburg's student-runtelevision station. He won first place in the Sports Play-by-Playcategory for both the Student Market Radio and Television Markets;his retrospective marking the 150th episode of WTV's weekly sportsshow, SportsKnight, won first place in the In-Depth/Series category;and SportsKnight, which Gavin executive produces, won first place inthe Best Sportscast competition for the second straight year.

'It's pretty tremendous to be in the same room with so many of thegiants of Iowa broadcasting and to get to have my work recognized,'Gavin said. 'It was really a great experience to attend theconvention this year, and to hear so many congratulatory words frompeople that I have idolized since I decided that this is thedirection I want my life to go.'

Library hosting 'Tall Tales'

In anticipation of the Cabela's fishing tournament this weekend,the Carnegie-Stout Public Library will host a 'Tall Tale Telling'program at 7 p.m. on Thursday.

Dubuquers Tom Tully, Bill Conzett and a handful of others willshare their fishing tales, then encourage audience participation. Thelibrary's adult services department came up with the program andpatterned it after Mike Fink, the rugged keelboater who worked on theMississippi River.

The program will be presented free of charge. For furtherinformation, call the library's information desk at 589-4225, option4.

Bellevue moves rodeo

The Bellevue, Iowa, rodeo will take place much earlier thissummer. The Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association-sanctioned eventwill take place June 9-11.

For the past 17 years, Bellevue brought the rodeo to town duringthe second week of August.

Iowa Games registration information available

Entry form booklets and online registration are now available forthe 19th annual Summer Iowa Games. Booklets can be obtained at DrugTown, Hy-Vee, U.S. Bank locations, Casey's, Subway stores, localparks and recreation departments, YMCA/YWCAs and online atwww.iowagames.org.

The Games, scheduled for mid-July, are expected to draw 18,000athletes in 50 sports. Dodgeball, a high school football 7-on-7passing tournament and a strongman contest have been added to the2005 list of sports. In many instances, team entry fees have beenreduced to make the Games more affordable.

E-mail More than the Score items to Jim Leitner atjleitner@wcinet.com.

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