Mainichi Broadcasting System, a terrestrial TV broadcastingcompany in Japan, announced today that that they will televise thehighly-anticipated 77th National High School Baseball InvitationalTournament in SRS Circle Surround(R) 5.1.
The invitational will also be broadcast through GAORA, acommunication satellite broadcasting station.
This marks the first time a Japanese television-broadcastingstudio will encode SRS Circle Surround 5.1 into their broadcastchain.
When Circle Surround is used for live sports programming,broadcasters can transmit the audio sensation of the live eventdirectly to the home by using industry- standard stereo broadcastingas a carrier for surround sound.
The patented Circle Surround technology allows professional audioengineers to encode up to 6.1 channels of discrete audio fordistribution or broadcast over existing two-channel carriers such asSD and HD television, analog and digital radio, streaming media, CDsand VHS tapes.
SRS Labs, based in Santa Ana, Calif., has licensingrepresentation in Hong Kong, Japan, Europe, and Korea.