More channels, more choices, more games, more talking heads andmany more commercials were hallmarks of sports on television andradio in 2002. So much to choose from as we present our bests, and afew worsts, in our year-end review from the prone position on thecouch in the Sports Waves cave.
Best New Show: We're a little prejudiced, but 'Pardon theInterruption' on ESPN hosted by colleagues Mike Wilbon and TonyKornheiser has provided 'SportsCenter' the greatest lead-in ratingsin history.
Worst New Show: There's no hope for the screaming sports scribeson 'Around The Horn,' a PTI knockoff that gives sports journalism abad name. Memo to host Max Kellerman: STOP SHRIEKING!
Worst Show of All: 'Best Damn Sports Show Period' on Fox SportsNet is contemptible at every level, an embarrassment to a sportsoperation that ought to know better.
Best Network Coverage: NBC's work at the Winter Olympics wasmostly spectacular, especially the decision to emphasize actualevents over three- and four-minute features in prime time. Anyone whocan make mogul skiing into a mega-event must be doing somethingright.
Worst Network Coverage: CBS's overly fawning, reverentialsappiness at Augusta National is becoming a tired cliche. Wonder how/if they'll cover the picket lines in April?
Best National Sportscaster: If I had one choice to do a majorevent, Al Michaels would be the man. He's still the very best, andhis partnership with John Madden on 'Monday Night Football' workedfrom the get-go, even if Madden's act is starting to wear just alittle thin.
Best Local TV Sportscaster: It's still George Michael, whooccasionally grates on the senses and is far too close to Redskinsowner Dan Snyder for his own objective good. Still, he produces themost complete local report, which, by the way, also pales incomparison to the excellent work Comcast SportsNet is doing everynight with a plethora of eager young talent, including the elegantSage Steele.
Best Local TV Play-by-Play: Joe Beninati on the Capitals' TVbroadcasts is low key, authoritative and always informative, and hispartner, Craig Laughlin, gets the nod as best local game analyst.
Best Local Radio Play-by-Play: Jim Hunter, who has settled innicely on Orioles broadcasts.
Worst Local Radio Play-by-Play: Steve Kolbe still yells far toooften for my taste, and Wizards broadcaster Dave Johnson often getsbogged down in minutiae instead of painting broad-brush pictures.
Best Local Radio Broadcaster: Jack of all trades Andy Pollin ofWTEM, whose breadth of sports knowledge -- particularly on theRedskins -- is unparalleled in the market.
Worst Local Radio Broadcaster: John Thompson, who fawns all overmost of his WTEM guests far too often. He has the deepest Rolodex inthe country, but what's the sense of having all those high-profileinterviews if tougher questions aren't being asked?
Best Weekend Anchor: Wally Bruckner at Channel 4 still offers themost complete highlight package. Versatile Ken Mease at Channel 9also does a nice job, whenever he gets the rare chance.
Best Hire: Jimmy Johnson back on Fox's pregame show.
Worst Fire: Sportscaster Jess Atkinson at Channel 9.
Best NFL Pregame Show: ESPN is easily the most complete, even ifBill Parcells jobbed his own network by not telling them he wastalking to the Cowboys. Too much yukking it up and silly stuff overon Fox, and Deion's so-called interviews for CBS are as laughable ashis attempts to make a tackle when he played here.
Best Sideline Reporter: A tie, between NBC's Jim Gray and CBS'sArmen Keteyian. Everyone else, call Andy Rooney, a former warcorrespondent, for tips on real journalism.
Worst Sideline Reporter: Too many candidates to count.
Best Sports Anthology Series: HBO's 'Real Sports' tackles verytough issues, and usually handles them well, with the best lineup ofreporters on television.
Best Sports Documentary: HBO's effort on Jim Brown, still airingon a regular basis.
Best Sports Made-for-TV Movie: 'The Junction Boys.'
Worst Sports Made-for-TV Movie: 'Season on the Brink,' no relationto John Feinstein's book.
Worst Cancellation Of Year: Who whacked 'Arliss' off HBO? Itwasn't up there with 'The Sopranos' or 'Six Feet Under,' but it wasfun while it lasted.
Most Versatile, Local: Doc Walker, the former Redskins Hog who maybe the hardest-working man in sports broadcasting, handling localradio and TV shows, and game analysis every weekend on big-timecollege football and basketball and the NFL.
Most Versatile, National: Dick Stockton glides seamlessly in andout of football and basketball, and also has become a superb mentorto fledgling jock broadcasters.
Great Decision: Fox allowing Pat Summerall to keep doing aslightly reduced schedule, with lots of Cowboys games.
Dreadful Decision: ESPN televising more than one of LeBron James'shigh school games. Once was enough to show the country the kid couldplay, but more are on the way to simply exploit his talent, with DickVitale not far behind.
Best Trend: Charles Barkley becoming TNT's mega go-to basketballguy.
Worst Trend: ESPN announcers each trying to outdo each other inthe shtick department. I actually heard an announcer on New Year'sEve say over a highlight on a touchdown run 'He Is Gandhi!'
Most Missed: Ernie Harwell, the velvet voice of the Detroit Tigersfor so many years, retired after six decades in a baseball booth.
Rest in Peace: Roone Arledge, Jack Buck, Chick Hearn, DarrianChapman.