Charles V. 'Vince' Payne of Hansford recently won two honorablemention awards during the West Virginia Associated PressBroadcastersAssociation Convention June 4-6 at Mountaineer Park in Chester.
Payne received the awards in the categories of best interview andbest sports play-by-play.
Payne is the current sports director of the Marshall Universitycampus radio station WMUL-FM 88.1. The station is one of the firstpublic radio stations.WMUL staff competed in the Associated Press contest against radiostations statewide.Payne also received two awards in the 1999 Society of ProfessionalJournalists Mark of Excellence Contest for Region Four.He placed second in Feature Reporting and third in Sports SpecialProgram.He received the awards during the Region Four SPJ Convention inApril in Covington, Ky.Payne is a graduate of East Bank High School and is a senior atMarshall University. He is the son of Mikki and Danny Payne ofHansford.