Students from WMUL-FM, Marshall University's public radio station,received two first-place awards and four finalist awards at the 85thAnnual National College Media Convention/2006 Collegiate BroadcastersInc. National Student Radio Production Awards Ceremony.
The event took place Oct. 27 in the Rose Garden Room at the Adam'sMark Hotel in St. Louis.
Dr. Chuck G. Bailey, professor of electronic media management inthe W. Page Pitt School of Journalism and Mass Communications atMarshall and faculty manager of WMUL-FM, said the students competedwith broadcasting students from colleges and universities throughoutthe United States.
The contest, in its fifth year, is sponsored by CBI, whichadministers the contest in cooperation with College Media AdvisersInc., the nation's oldest and largest college media organization.
'It is an honor to win two out of the 12 first-place awardsgranted by these prestigious organizations,' Bailey said. 'Our radiostudents have established a tradition at WMUL-FM of being able tosuccessfully compete at the national, regional or state level withother student-operated college radio stations.'
Columbia College was the only other institution to win two first-place awards from CBI.
'This performance is further evidence of the quality of the workperformed by our talented broadcasting students,' Bailey said. 'I amproud of our students, who continue to provide quality broadcastperformances to tri-state listeners. They are excellentrepresentatives for the W. Page Pitt School of Journalism and MassCommunications and Marshall University in competitions againstnationally known colleges and universities.'
Marshall's first-place, award-winning entries were:
Radio Sports Play-By-Play: WMUL-FM's broadcast of MarshallUniversity versus the University of Southern Mississippi played atJoan C. Edwards Stadium in Huntington on Nov. 8, 2005. The studentscalling the football game broadcast over 88.1 were football play-by-play announcer Alex Reed, a graduate student from Virginia Beach,Va.; color commentator Dave Wilson, a senior from St. Marys; sidelinereporter Melanie Chapman, a graduate student from McConnell; andengineer Jen Smith, a recent graduate from Huntington.
Radio Promo: 'Busy Signal,' an in-house promotional announcementbroadcast in WMUL-FM's promotional announcement rotation fromThursday, Dec. 1, 2005 through the present time, written and producedby Jen Smith, a recent graduate from Huntington.
The finalist award-winning entries were:
Radio Public Service Announcement: 'Cabell-Wayne Adopt-A-Pet,' anin-house public service announcement broadcast in WMUL-FM's publicservice announcement rotation from May 1 through the present time,written and produced by Adam Cavalier, a sophomore from Montgomery.
Radio News Reporting: 'Marshall Remembers,' written and producedby Melanie Chapman, broadcast during the Marshall versus EastCarolina football pre-game program on Nov. 19, 2005.
Radio Sports Reporting: 'Randy Moss and Chad Pennington Visit theTri-State,' written and produced by Alex Reed.
Radio Sports Reporting: 'John Saunders Feature,' written andproduced by Clark Davis, a graduate student from Huntington.
In all, 450 entries were submitted for judging in the 2006 CBINational Student Production Awards.